Scala 3 Migration Guide

Contextual Abstractions


The redesign of contextual abstractions brings some incompatibilities.

Incompatibility Scala 2.13 Scala 3 Migration Rewrite Scalafix Rule Runtime Incompatibiltiy
Type of implicit def      
Implicit views       Possible
View bounds Deprecation      
Ambiguous conversion on A and => A        

Type Of Implicit Definition

The type of implicit definitions (val or def) needs to be given explicitly in Scala 3. They cannot be inferred anymore.

The Scalafix rule named ExplicitResultTypes can write the missing type annotations automatically.

Implicit Views

Scala 3 does not support implicit conversion from an implicit function value, of the form implicit val ev: A => B.

The following piece of code is now invalid in Scala 3:

trait Pretty {
  val print: String

def pretty[A](a: A)(implicit ev: A => Pretty): String =
  a.print // In Scala 3, Error: value print is not a member of A

The Scala 3 migration compilation can warn you about those cases, but it does not try to fix it.

Be aware that this incompatibility can produce a runtime incompatibility and break your program. Indeed the compiler can find another implicit conversion from a broader scope, which would eventually cause an undesired behavior at runtime.

This example illustrates the case:

trait Pretty {
  val print: String

implicit def anyPretty(any: Any): Pretty = new Pretty { val print = "any" }

def pretty[A](a: A)(implicit ev: A => Pretty): String =
  a.print // always print "any"

The resolved conversion depends on the compiler mode:

  • -source:3.0-migration: the compiler performs the ev conversion
  • -source:3.0: the compiler cannot perform the ev conversion but it can perform the anyPretty, which is undesired

In Scala 3, one simple fix is to supply the right conversion explicitly:

def pretty[A](a: A)(implicit ev: A => Pretty): String =
-  a.print
+  ev(a).print

View Bounds

View bounds have been deprecated for a long time but they are still supported in Scala 2.13. They cannot be compiled with Scala 3 anymore.

def foo[A <% Long](a: A): Long = a

In this example, in Scala 3, we get this following error message:

-- Error: src/main/scala/view-bound.scala:2:12 
2 |  def foo[A <% Long](a: A): Long = a
  |            ^
  |          view bounds `<%' are deprecated, use a context bound `:' instead

The message suggests to use a context bound instead of a view bound but it would change the signature of the method. It is probably easier and safer to preserve the binary compatibility. To do so the implicit conversion must be declared and called explicitly.

Be careful not to fall in the runtime incompatibility described above, in Implicit Views.

-def foo[A <% Long](a: A): Long = a
+def foo[A](a: A)(implicit ev: A => Long): Long = ev(a)

Ambiguous Conversion On A And => A

In Scala 2.13 the implicit conversion on A wins over the implicit conversion on => A. It is not the case in Scala 3 anymore, and leads to an ambiguous conversion.

For instance, in this example:

implicit def boolFoo(bool: Boolean): Foo = ???
implicit def lazyBoolFoo(lazyBool:  => Boolean): Foo = ???

The Scala 2.13 compiler chooses the boolFoo conversion but the Scala 3 compiler fails to compile.

-- Error: src/main/scala/ambiguous-conversion.scala:4:19
9 |
  |  ^^^^
  |Found:    (true : Boolean)
  |Required: ?{ foo: ? }
  |Note that implicit extension methods cannot be applied because they are ambiguous;
  |both method boolFoo in object Foo and method lazyBoolFoo in object Foo provide an extension method `foo` on (true : Boolean)

A temporary solution is to write the conversion explicitly.

implicit def boolFoo(bool: Boolean): Foo = ???
implicit def lazyBoolFoo(lazyBool:  => Boolean): Foo = ???

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