Online Courses

Scala Courses on Coursera by EPFL

The Scala Center at EPFL offers free online courses of various levels, from beginner to advanced.

For beginners:

More advanced topics:

All courses are free to audit, with an option to pay for a certificate, to showcase your skills on your resume or LinkedIn. For more on Scala Center’s online courses, visit this page.

Rock the JVM Courses

As part of a partnership with the Scala Center, Rock the JVM donates 30% of the revenue from any courses purchased through the links in this section to support the Scala Center.

Rock the JVM is a learning platform with free and premium courses on the Scala language, and all major libraries and tools in the Scala ecosystem: Typelevel, Zio, Akka/Pekko, Spark, and others. Its main Scala courses are:

Other courses teach how to build full-stack Scala applications, using Typelevel or ZIO ecosystems.

Explore more premium courses or check out free video tutorials and free articles.

EPFL Extension School: Effective Programming in Scala

Subscribing to Effective programming in Scala on the EPFL Extension School offers:

This course combines video lessons, written content and hands-on exercise focused on practical aspects, including business domain modeling, error handling, data manipulation, and task parallelization. For more on Scala Center’s online courses, visit this page.

Other Online Resources

Tour of Scala

Tour of Scala is an interactive website that introduces the basics of Scala programming through a series of hands-on lessons. Each lesson provides code examples and exercises that compiles and runs directly in the browser, making it a quick and accessible way to get started with Scala.

In the Scala Learning Discord, you can connect with fellow Scala learners and engage with the Tour of Scala community.

Scala Exercises

Scala Exercises is a series of lessons and exercises created by 47 Degrees. It’s a great way to get a brief introduction to Scala while testing your knowledge along the way. It also covers some libraries of the ecosystem such as cats, doobie, scalacheck etc.


DevInsideYou is a YouTube channel with hundreds of hours of free Scala content.

Visual Scala Reference

Visual Scala Reference is a visual guide to the most common methods of the Scala collections.


allaboutscala provides detailed tutorials for beginners.

Dr. Mark C Lewis’s lectures from Trinity University

Dr. Mark C Lewis from Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, teaches programming courses using the Scala language. Course videos are available in YouTube for free. Some courses below.

You can visit his YouTube channel for more videos.