This was a long chapter, so let’s review the key points that are covered.
A higher-order function (HOF) is often defined as a function that takes other functions as input parameters or returns a function as its value. In Scala this is possible because functions are first-class values.
Moving through the sections, first you saw:
- You can write anonymous functions as small code fragments
- You can pass them into the dozens of HOFs (methods) on the collections classes, i.e., methods like
, etc. - With these small code fragments and powerful HOFs, you create a lot of functionality with just a little code
After looking at anonymous functions and HOFs, you saw:
- Function variables are simply anonymous functions that have been bound to a variable
After seeing how to be a consumer of HOFs, you then saw how to be a creator of HOFs. Specifically, you saw:
- How to write methods that take functions as input parameters
- How to return a function from a method
A beneficial side effect of this chapter is that you saw many examples of how to declare type signatures for functions.
The benefits of that are that you use that same syntax to define function parameters, anonymous functions, and function variables, and it also becomes easier to read the Scaladoc for higher-order functions like map
, filter
, and others.
Contributors to this page:
- Introduction
- Scala Features
- Why Scala 3?
- A Taste of Scala
- Hello, World!
- The REPL
- Variables and Data Types
- Control Structures
- Domain Modeling
- Methods
- First-Class Functions
- Singleton Objects
- Collections
- Contextual Abstractions
- Toplevel Definitions
- Summary
- A First Look at Types
- String Interpolation
- Control Structures
- Domain Modeling
- Tools
- OOP Modeling
- FP Modeling
- Methods
- Method Features
- Main Methods in Scala 3
- Summary
- Functions
- Anonymous Functions
- Function Variables
- Partial Functions
- Eta-Expansion
- Higher-Order Functions
- Write Your Own map Method
- Creating a Method That Returns a Function
- Summary
- Packaging and Imports
- Scala Collections
- Collections Types
- Collections Methods
- Summary
- Functional Programming
- What is Functional Programming?
- Immutable Values
- Pure Functions
- Functions Are Values
- Functional Error Handling
- Summary
- Types and the Type System
- Inferred Types
- Generics
- Intersection Types
- Union Types
- Algebraic Data Types
- Variance
- Opaque Types
- Structural Types
- Dependent Function Types
- Other Types
- Contextual Abstractions
- Extension Methods
- Context Parameters
- Context Bounds
- Given Imports
- Type Classes
- Multiversal Equality
- Implicit Conversions
- Summary
- Concurrency
- Scala Tools
- Building and Testing Scala Projects with sbt
- Worksheets
- Interacting with Java
- Scala for Java Developers
- Scala for JavaScript Developers
- Scala for Python Developers
- Where To Go Next