Contributing to Scala's OSS Ecosystem

Contribute to API Documentation


This page is specific to API documentation contributions – that is, API documentation for Scala’s standard library – sometimes referred to as Scaladoc contributions.

For contributions to tutorial and guide-style documentation on, see Add New Guides/Tutorials.

Please note, these instructions cover documentation contributions Scala core libraries only. For other Scala projects please check those projects for the contribution steps and guidelines. Thank you.


Since API documentation is located in Scala source code files, the process for contributing API documentation is similar to that of contributing bug-fixes to the Scala code base, but without the requirement that there be an issue filed on GitHub first. When forking/branching, it would help to use a scaladoc/xxxx branch name, where xxxx is a descriptive, but short branch name (e.g. scaladoc/future-object). However, if an issue does exist, please use issue/NNNN, where NNNN is the ticket number, instead.

If you would like to assist us, you can report missing/incorrect API documentation, or contribute new API documentation.

Contribute API Documentation Bug Reports

One good way to contribute is by helping us to identify missing documentation. To do this, browse the current API documentation and identify missing, incorrect or inadequate documentation. A good place to start is package objects for important packages (these often get overlooked for documentation and are a good place for API overviews).

If you find an issue, please log it in the Scala bug tracker, (or else the Scala 3 issue tracker for Scala 3 library additions) after making sure it is not already logged as an issue. To help with disambiguation, please use the following format for issue title:

  • Use an action describing the work required, e.g. Add, Document, Correct, Remove.
  • Use the full package, class/trait/object/enum name (or state package object if that is the case).
  • Extremely short description of what to do.
  • More detail can (and should) go into the issue description, including a short justification for the issue if it provides additional detail.

Here is an example of the title and description for an example API documentation issue:

Document scala.concurrent.Future object, include code examples

(note the explicit companion object called out in the title)

and the description:

The methods on the Future companion object are critical for using Futures effectively without blocking. Provide code examples of how methods like sequence, transform, fold and firstCompletedOf should be used.

In addition to following these conventions, please add documentation and community labels to the issue, and put them in the Documentation and API component so that they show up in the correct issue filters.

Contribute New API Documentation

Required Reading

Please familiarize yourself with the following before contributing new API documentation to save time, effort, mistakes and repetition.

  • Forking the Repo - follow the setup steps through the Branch section. If providing new documentation related to an existing GitHub issue, use issue/NNNN or ticket/NNNN as the guide states. If providing API documentation with no associated GitHub issue, use scaladoc/xxxx instead.
  • Scaladoc for library authors covers the use of scaladoc tags, markdown and other features.
  • Scaladoc’s interface covers all the features of Scaladoc’s interface, e.g. switching between companions, browsing package object documentation, searching, token searches and so on.
  • Prior to commit, be sure to read A note about git commit messages and the Scala Project & Developer Guidelines. Some of this latter document will clearly not apply (like the sections on providing tests, however see below for some special requirements for documentation). Do still read the whole document though, and pay close attention to the title and commit message formats, noting present tense, length limits and that it must merge cleanly. Remember that the title of the pull request will become the commit message when merged. Also, be sure to assign one or more reviewers to the PR, if this is not possible for you, you could mention a user in the pull request comments.

Extra Requirements for Scaladoc Documentation Commits

Although some requirements for bug fix pull requests are not needed for API documentation commits, here are the step by step requirements to ensure your API documentation PR is merged in smoothly:

  • Any and all code examples provided should be correct, compile and run as expected (ensure this in the REPL or your IDE).
  • Spelling must be checked for all written language and code examples where possible. Most editors have some spell checking feature available. Scala code itself is permitted to not pass a spell-checker, however any written language should be checked. If you can also use a grammar checker, it will help. We will ask for spelling and grammar to be corrected before acceptance.
  • You must also run sbt doc, fix any problems and check the formatting and layout of your changes. Again, corrections will be required if formatting or layout are inadequate. After running sbt doc the generated documents can be found under the build/scaladoc/ folders (probably in the library subdirectory but maybe under the others depending on what section of the Scala source you are working on).
  • All of these steps are required to save time for both the reviewers and contributors. It benefits everyone to ensure that the PR to merge process is as smooth and streamlined as possible.

Thanks for helping us improve the Scaladoc API documentation!

Contributors to this page: