You can declare a dependency on Cask with the following using
//> using dep com.lihaoyi::cask::0.10.2
In your build.sbt
, you can add a dependency on Cask:
lazy val example ="example"))
scalaVersion := "3.4.2",
libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "cask" % "0.10.2",
fork := true
In your
, you can add a dependency on Cask:
object example extends RootModule with ScalaModule {
def scalaVersion = "3.4.2"
def ivyDeps = Agg(
Using cookies
Cookies are saved by adding them to the cookies
parameter of the cask.Response
In this example, we are building a rudimentary authentication service. The getLogin
method provides a form where
the user can enter their username and password. The postLogin
method reads the credentials. If they match the expected ones, it generates a session
identifier is generated, saves it in the application state, and sends back a cookie with the identifier.
Cookies can be read either with a method parameter of cask.Cookie
type or by accessing the cask.Request
If using the former method, the names of parameters have to match the names of cookies. If a cookie with a matching name is not
found, an error response will be returned. In the checkLogin
function, the former method is used, as the cookie is not
present before the user logs in.
To delete a cookie, set its expires
parameter to an instant in the past, for example Instant.EPOCH
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
object Example extends cask.MainRoutes {
val sessionIds = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet[String]()
def getLogin(): cask.Response[String] = {
val html =
"""<!doctype html>
|<form action="/login" method="post">
| <label for="name">Username:</label><br>
| <input type="text" name="name" value=""><br>
| <label for="password">Password:</label><br>
| <input type="text" name="password" value=""><br><br>
| <input type="submit" value="Submit">
cask.Response(data = html, headers = Seq("Content-Type" -> "text/html"))
def postLogin(name: String, password: String): cask.Response[String] = {
if (name == "user" && password == "password") {
val sessionId = UUID.randomUUID().toString
cask.Response(data = "Success!", cookies = Seq(cask.Cookie("sessionId", sessionId)))
} else {
cask.Response(data = "Authentication failed", statusCode = 401)
def checkLogin(request: cask.Request): String = {
val sessionId = request.cookies.get("sessionId")
if (sessionId.exists(cookie => sessionIds.contains(cookie.value))) {
"You are logged in"
} else {
"You are not logged in"
def logout(sessionId: cask.Cookie) = {
cask.Response(data = "Successfully logged out!", cookies = Seq(cask.Cookie("sessionId", "", expires = Instant.EPOCH)))
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
object Example extends cask.MainRoutes:
val sessionIds = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet[String]()
def getLogin(): cask.Response[String] =
val html =
"""<!doctype html>
|<form action="/login" method="post">
| <label for="name">Username:</label><br>
| <input type="text" name="name" value=""><br>
| <label for="password">Password:</label><br>
| <input type="text" name="password" value=""><br><br>
| <input type="submit" value="Submit">
cask.Response(data = html, headers = Seq("Content-Type" -> "text/html"))
def postLogin(name: String, password: String): cask.Response[String] =
if name == "user" && password == "password" then
val sessionId = UUID.randomUUID().toString
cask.Response(data = "Success!", cookies = Seq(cask.Cookie("sessionId", sessionId)))
cask.Response(data = "Authentication failed", statusCode = 401)
def checkLogin(request: cask.Request): String =
val sessionId = request.cookies.get("sessionId")
if sessionId.exists(cookie => sessionIds.contains(cookie.value)) then
"You are logged in"
"You are not logged in"
def logout(sessionId: cask.Cookie): cask.Response[String] =
cask.Response(data = "Successfully logged out!", cookies = Seq(cask.Cookie("sessionId", "", expires = Instant.EPOCH)))
Using decorators
Decorators can be used for extending endpoints functionality with validation or new parameters. They are defined by extending
class. They are used as annotations.
In this example, the loggedIn
decorator is used to check if the user is logged in before accessing the /decorated
The decorator class can pass additional arguments to the decorated endpoint using a map. The passed arguments are available
through the last argument group. Here we are passing the session identifier to an argument named sessionId
class loggedIn extends cask.RawDecorator {
override def wrapFunction(ctx: cask.Request, delegate: Delegate): Result[Raw] = {
ctx.cookies.get("sessionId") match {
case Some(cookie) if sessionIds.contains(cookie.value) => delegate(Map("sessionId" -> cookie.value))
case _ => cask.router.Result.Success(cask.model.Response("You aren't logged in", 403))
def decorated()(sessionId: String): String = {
s"You are logged in with id: $sessionId"
class loggedIn extends cask.RawDecorator:
override def wrapFunction(ctx: cask.Request, delegate: Delegate): Result[Raw] =
ctx.cookies.get("sessionId") match
case Some(cookie) if sessionIds.contains(cookie.value) =>
delegate(Map("sessionId" -> cookie.value))
case _ =>
cask.router.Result.Success(cask.model.Response("You aren't logged in", 403))
def decorated()(sessionId: String): String = s"You are logged in with id: $sessionId"
Contributors to this page:
- Introduction
- Testing with MUnit
- How to write tests?
- How to run tests?
- How to run a single test?
- How to test exceptions?
- How to write asynchronous tests?
- How to manage the resources of a test?
- What else can MUnit do?
- Working with files and processes with OS-Lib
- How to read a directory?
- How to read a file?
- How to write a file?
- How to run a process?
- What else can OS-Lib do?
- Handling JSON with uPickle
- How to access values inside JSON?
- How to modify JSON?
- How to deserialize JSON to an object?
- How to serialize an object to JSON?
- How to read and write JSON files?
- What else can uPickle do?
- Sending HTTP requests with sttp
- How to send a request?
- How to construct URIs and query parameters?
- How to send a request with a body?
- How to send and receive JSON?
- How to upload a file over HTTP?
- What else can sttp do?
- Building web servers with Cask
- How to serve a static file?
- How to serve a dynamic page?
- How to handle query parameters?
- How to handle user input?
- How to use websockets?
- How to use cookies and decorators?