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Erased Definitions - More Details

TODO: complete


  1. erased is a soft modifier. It can appear:

    • At the start of a parameter block of a method, function or class
    • In a method definition
    • In a val definition (but not lazy val or var)
    • In a class or trait definition
    erased val x = ...
    erased def f = ...
    def g(erased x: Int) = ...
    (erased x: Int, y: Int) => ...
    def h(x: (Int, erased Int) => Int) = ...
    class K(erased x: Int) { ... }
    erased class E {}
  2. A reference to an erased val or def can only be used

    • Inside the expression of argument to an erased parameter
    • Inside the body of an erased val or def
  3. Functions

    • (erased x1: T1, x2: T2, ..., xN: TN) => y : (erased T1, T2, ..., TN) => R
    • (given x1: T1, erased x2: T2, ..., xN: TN) => y: (given T1, erased T2, ..., TN) => R
    • (given erased T1) => R <:< erased T1 => R
    • (given T1, erased T2) => R <:< (T1, erased T2) => R
    • ...

    Note that there is no subtype relation between (erased T) => R and T => R (or (given erased T) => R and (given T) => R). The erased parameters must match exactly in their respective positions.

  4. Eta expansion

    if def f(erased x: T): U then f: (erased T) => U.

  5. Erasure semantics

    • All erased parameters are removed from the function
    • All argument to erased parameters are not passed to the function
    • All erased definitions are removed
    • (erased ET1, erased ET2, T1, ..., erased ETN, TM) => R are erased to (T1, ..., TM) => R.
    • (given erased ET1, erased ET2, T1, ..., erased ETN, TM) => R are erased to (given T1, ..., TM) => R.
  6. Overloading

    Method with erased parameters will follow the normal overloading constraints after erasure.

  7. Overriding

    • Member definitions overriding each other must both be erased or not be erased.
    • def foo(x: T): U cannot be overridden by def foo(erased x: T): U and vice-versa.
  8. Type Restrictions

    • For dependent functions, erased parameters are limited to realizable types, that is, types that are inhabited by non-null values. This restriction stops us from using a bad bound introduced by an erased value, which leads to unsoundness (see #4060).
    • Polymorphic functions with erased parameters are currently not supported, and will be rejected by the compiler. This is purely an implementation restriction, and might be lifted in the future.
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