
Creating Collections From Scratch


You have syntax List(1, 2, 3) to create a list of three integers and Map('A' -> 1, 'C' -> 2) to create a map with two bindings. This is actually a universal feature of Scala collections. You can take any collection name and follow it by a list of elements in parentheses. The result will be a new collection with the given elements. Here are some more examples:

val a = Iterable()                // An empty collection
val b = List()                    // The empty list
val c = List(1.0, 2.0)            // A list with elements 1.0, 2.0
val d = Vector(1.0, 2.0)          // A vector with elements 1.0, 2.0
val e = Iterator(1, 2, 3)         // An iterator returning three integers.
val f = Set(dog, cat, bird)       // A set of three animals
val g = HashSet(dog, cat, bird)   // A hash set of the same animals
val h = Map('a' -> 7, 'b' -> 0)   // A map from characters to integers

“Under the covers” each of the above lines is a call to the apply method of some object. For instance, the third line above expands to

val c = List.apply(1.0, 2.0)

So this is a call to the apply method of the companion object of the List class. That method takes an arbitrary number of arguments and constructs a list from them. Every collection class in the Scala library has a companion object with such an apply method. It does not matter whether the collection class represents a concrete implementation, like List, LazyList or Vector, or whether it is an abstract base class such as Seq, Set or Iterable. In the latter case, calling apply will produce some default implementation of the abstract base class. Examples:

scala> List(1, 2, 3)
val res17: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> Iterable(1, 2, 3)
val res18: Iterable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> mutable.Iterable(1, 2, 3)
val res19: scala.collection.mutable.Iterable[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3)

Besides apply, every collection companion object also defines a member empty, which returns an empty collection. So instead of List() you could write List.empty, instead of Map(), Map.empty, and so on.

The operations provided by collection companion objects are summarized in the following table. In short, there’s

  • concat, which concatenates an arbitrary number of collections together,
  • fill and tabulate, which generate single or multidimensional collections of given dimensions initialized by some expression or tabulating function,
  • range, which generates integer collections with some constant step length, and
  • iterate and unfold, which generates the collection resulting from repeated application of a function to a start element or state.

Factory Methods for Sequences

C.empty The empty collection.
C(x, y, z) A collection consisting of elements x, y, z.
C.concat(xs, ys, zs) The collection obtained by concatenating the elements of xs, ys, zs.
C.fill(n){e} A collection of length n where each element is computed by expression e.
C.fill(m, n){e} A collection of collections of dimension m×n where each element is computed by expression e. (exists also in higher dimensions).
C.tabulate(n){f} A collection of length n where the element at each index i is computed by f(i).
C.tabulate(m, n){f} A collection of collections of dimension m×n where the element at each index (i, j) is computed by f(i, j). (exists also in higher dimensions).
C.range(start, end) The collection of integers startend-1.
C.range(start, end, step) The collection of integers starting with start and progressing by step increments up to, and excluding, the end value.
C.iterate(x, n)(f) The collection of length n with elements x, f(x), f(f(x)), …
C.unfold(init)(f) A collection that uses a function f to compute its next element and state, starting from the init state.

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