

This doc page is specific to features shipped in Scala 2, which have either been removed in Scala 3 or replaced by an alternative. Unless otherwise stated, all the code examples in this page assume you are using Scala 2.


Unlifting is the reverse operation to lifting: it takes a tree and recovers a value from it:

trait Unliftable[T] {
  def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[T]

Due to the fact that the tree may not be a representation of our data type, the return type of unapply is Option[T] rather than just T. This signature makes it easy to use Unliftable instances as extractors.

Whenever an implicit instance of Unliftable is available for a given data type you can use it for pattern matching with the help of an ascription syntax:

scala> val q"${left: Int} + ${right: Int}" = q"2 + 2"
left: Int = 2
right: Int = 2

scala> left + right
res4: Int = 4

It’s important to note that unlifting will not be performed at locations where Name, TermName or Modifiers are extracted by default:

scala> val q"foo.${bar: Int}" = q"foo.bar"
<console>:29: error: pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
 found   : Int
 required: universe.NameApi
       val q"foo.${bar: Int}" = q"foo.bar"

One can also successfully combine unquote splicing and unlifting:

scala> val q"f(..${ints: List[Int]})" = q"f(1, 2, 3)"
ints: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> val q"f(...${intss: List[List[Int]]})" = q"f(1, 2, 3)(4, 5)(6)"
intss: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5), List(6))

Analogously to lifting, this would unlift arguments of the function, element-wise and wrap the result into a List.

Bring your own

Similarly to liftables one can define your own unliftables:

package Points

import scala.universe._

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
object Point {
  implicit val unliftPoint = Unliftable[points.Point] {
    case q"_root_.points.Point(${x: Int}, ${y: Int})" => Point(x, y)

Here one must pay attention to a few nuances:

  1. Similarly to Liftable, Unliftable defines a helper apply function in the companion object to simplify the creation of Unliftable instances. It takes a type parameter T as well as a partial function PartialFunction[Tree, T] and returns an Unliftable[T]. At all inputs where a partial function is defined it is expected to return an instance of T unconditionally.

  2. We’ve only define Unliftable for the runtime universe, it won’t be available in macros. (see sharing liftable implementations)

  3. Patterns used in this unliftable will only match a fully qualified reference to Point that starts with _root_. It won’t match other possible shapes of the reference; they have to be specified by hand. This problem is caused by a lack of hygiene.

  4. The pattern will only match trees that have literal Int arguments. It won’t work for other expressions that might evaluate to Int.

Standard Unliftables

Type Representation Value
Byte, Short, Int, Long q"0" 0
Float q"0.0" 0.0
Double q"0.0D" 0.0D
Boolean q"true", q"false" true, false
Char q"'c'" 'c'
Unit q"()" ()
String q""" "string" """ "string"
Symbol q"'symbol" 'symbol
TermName q"foo", pq"foo" TermName("foo")
TypeName tq"foo" TypeName("foo")
Type tt: TypeTree tt.tpe
Constant lit: Literal lit.value
TupleN[...] * q"(1, 2)" (1, 2)

(*) Unliftable for tuples is defined for all N in [2, 22] range. All type parameters have to be Unliftable themselves.

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