SIP-47 - Clause Interleaving


By: Quentin Bernet and Guillaume Martres and Sébastien Doeraene


Date Version
May 5th 2022 Initial Draft
Aug 17th 2022 Formatting
Sep 22th 2022 Type Currying removed


We propose to generalize method signatures to allow any number of type parameter lists, interleaved with term parameter lists and using parameter lists. As a simple example, it would allow to define

def pair[A](a: A)[B](b: B): (A, B) = (a, b)

Here is also a more complicated and contrived example that highlights all the possible interactions:

def foo[A](using a: A)(b: List[A])[C <: a.type, D](cd: (C, D))[E]: Foo[A, B, C, D, E]


Consider an API for a heterogenous key-value store, where keys know what type of value they must be associated to:

trait Key:
  type Value

class Store:
  def get(key: Key): key.Value = 
  def put(key: Key)(value: => key.Value): Unit = 

We want to provide a method getOrElse, taking a default value to be used if the key is not present. Such a method could look like

def getOrElse(key: Key)(default: => key.Value): key.Value = 

However, at call site, it would prevent from using as default value a value that is not a valid key.Value. This is a limitation compared to other getOrElse-style methods such as that of Option, which allow passing any supertype of the element type.

In current Scala, there is no way to define Store.getOrElse in a way that supports this use case. We may try to define it as

def getOrElse[V >: key.Value](key: Key)(default: => V): V = 

but that is not valid because the declaration of V needs to refer to the path-dependent type key.Value, which is defined in a later parameter list.

We might also try to move the type parameter list after key to avoid that problem, as

def getOrElse(key: Key)[V >: key.Value](default: => V): V = 

but that is also invalid because type parameter lists must always come first.

A workaround is to return an intermediate object with an apply method, as follows:

class Store:
  final class StoreGetOrElse[K <: Key](val key: K):
    def apply[V >: key.Value](default: => V): V = 
  def getOrElse(key: Key): StoreGetOrElse[key.type] = StoreGetOrElse(key)

This definition provides the expected source API at call site, but it has two issues:

  • It is more complex than expected, forcing a user looking at the API to navigate to the definition of StoreGetOrElse to make sense of it.
  • It is inefficient, as an intermediate instance of StoreGetOrElse must be created for each call to getOrElse.
  • Overloading resolution looks at clauses after the first one, but only in methods, the above is ambiguous with any def getOrElse(k:Key): ..., whereas the proposed signature is not ambiguous with for example def getOrElse(k:Key)[A,B](x: A, y: B)

Another workaround is to return a polymorphic function, for example:

def getOrElse(k:Key): [V >: k.Value] => (default: V) => V =
    [V] => (default: V) => ???

While again, this provides the expected API at call site, it also has issues:

  • The behavior is not the same, as default has to be a by-value parameter
  • The definition is hard to visually parse, as users are more used to methods (and it is our opinion this should remain so)
  • The definition is cumbersome to write, especially if there are a lot of term parameters
  • It is inefficient, as many closures must be created for each call to getOrElse (one per term clause to the right of the first non-initial type clause).
  • Same problem as above with overloading

Proposed solution

High-level overview

To solve the above problems, we propose to generalize method signatures so that they can have multiple type parameter lists, interleaved with term parameter lists and using parameter lists.

For the heterogeneous key-value store example, this allows to define getOrElse as follows:

def getOrElse(key: Key)[V >: key.Value](default: => V): V = 

It provides the best of all worlds:

  • A convenient API at call site
  • A single point of documentation
  • Efficiency, since the method erases to a single JVM method with signature getOrElse(Object,Object)Object


We amend the syntax of def parameter clauses as follows:

DefDcl                 ::=  DefSig ‘:’ Type
DefDef                 ::=  DefSig [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
DefSig                 ::=  id [DefParamClauses] [DefImplicitClause]
DefParamClauses        ::=  DefParamClause { DefParamClause }    -- and two DefTypeParamClause cannot be adjacent
DefParamClause         ::=  DefTypeParamClause
                         |  DefTermParamClause
                         |  UsingParamClause
DefTypeParamClause     ::=  [nl] ‘[’ DefTypeParam {‘,’ DefTypeParam} ‘]’
DefTypeParam           ::=  {Annotation} id [HkTypeParamClause] TypeParamBounds
DefTermParamClause     ::=  [nl] ‘(’ [DefTermParams] ‘)’
UsingParamClause       ::=  [nl] ‘(’ ‘using’ (DefTermParams | FunArgTypes) ‘)’
DefImplicitClause      ::=  [nl] ‘(’ ‘implicit’ DefTermParams ‘)’
DefTermParams          ::=  DefTermParam {‘,’ DefTermParam}
DefTermParam           ::=  {Annotation} [‘inline’] Param
Param                  ::=  id ‘:’ ParamType [‘=’ Expr]

The main rules of interest are DefParamClauses and DefParamClauseChunk, which now allow any number of type parameter clauses, term parameter clauses and using parameter clauses, in any order as long as there are no two adjacent type clauses.

Note that these are also used for the right-hand side of extension methods, thus clause interleaving also applies to them.

It is worth pointing out that there can still only be at most one implicit parameter clause, which, if present, must be at the end.

The type system and semantics naturally generalize to these new method signatures.


Type Currying

Currying type clauses enables partial type inference, as the left clause can be specified while the right one is not. As this is a very useful feature, we expect people would use it liberally, and recommending the curried form. We are uncertain about the readability of the resulting methods, we have therefore decided to not include type currying as part of this proposal.

Note however that, if absolutely necessary, it is still possible to curry type parameters as such: def foo[A](using DummyImplicit)[B], since the implicit search for DummyImplicit will always succeed. This is sufficiently unwieldy that it is unlikely the above becomes the norm.

Class Signatures

Class signatures are unchanged. Classes can still only have at most one type parameter list, which must come first. For example, the following definition is still invalid:

class Pair[+A](val a: A)[+B](val b: B)

Class signatures already have limitations compared to def signatures. For example, they must have at least one term parameter list. There is therefore precedent for limiting their expressiveness compared to def parameter lists.

The rationale for this restriction is that classes also define associated types. It is unclear what the type of an instance of Pair with A and B should be. It could be defined as Foo[A][B]. That still leaves holes in terms of path-dependent types, as B’s definition could not depend on the path a. Allowing interleaved type parameters for class definitions is therefore restricted for now. It could be allowed with a follow-up proposal.

Note: As apply is a normal method, it is totally possible to define a method def apply[A](a: A)[B](b: B) on Pair’s companion object, allowing to create instances with Pair[Int](4)[Char]('c').

LHS of extension methods

The left hand side of extension methods remains unchanged, since they only have one explicit term clause, and since the type parameters are very rarely passed explicitly, it is not as necessary to have multiple type clauses there.

Currently, Scala 2 can only call/override methods with at most one leading type parameter clause, which already forbids calling extension methods like extension (x: Int) def bar[A](y: A), which desugars to def bar(x: Int)[A](y: A). This proposal does not change this, so methods like def foo[A](x: A)[B] will not be callable from Scala 2.


The proposal is expected to be backward source compatible. New signatures currently do not parse, and typing rules are unchanged for existing signatures.

Backward binary compatibility is straightforward.

Backward TASTy compatibility should be straightforward. The TASTy format is such that we can extend it to support interleaved type parameter lists without added complexity. If necessary, a version check can decide whether to read signatures in the new or old format. For typechecking, like for source compatibility, the typing rules are unchanged for signatures that were valid before.

Of course, libraries that choose to evolve their public API to take advantage of the new signatures may expose incompatibilities.


The proposal is a natural generalization of method signatures. We could have extended the proposal to type currying (allowing partial type inference), but have not due to the concerns mentionned in Restrictions. This might be the subject of a follow up proposal, if the concerns can be addressed.

As discussed above, we may want to consider generalizing class parameter lists as well. However, we feel it is better to leave that extension to a follow-up proposal, if required.


Currently empty.