SIP-62 - For comprehension improvements


By: Kacper Korban (VirtusLab)


Date Version
June 6th 2023 Initial Draft
Feb 15th 2024 Reviewed Version


for-comprehensions in Scala 3 improved their usability in comparison to Scala 2, but there are still some pain points relating both usability of for-comprehensions and simplicity of their desugaring.

This SIP tries to address some of those problems, by changing the specification of for-comprehensions. From user perspective, the biggest change is allowing aliases at the start of the for-comprehensions. e.g.

for {
  x = 1
  y <- Some(2)
} yield x + y


There are some clear pain points related to Scala’3 for-comprehensions and those can be divided into two categories:

  1. User-facing and code simplicity problems

    Specifically, for the following example written in a Haskell-style do-comprehension

       a = largeExpr(arg)
       b <- doSth(a)
       combineM(a, b)

    in Scala we would have to write

     val a = largeExpr(b)
       b <- doSth(a)
       x <- combineM(a, b)
       yield x

    This complicates the code, even in this simple example.

  2. The simplicity of desugared code

    The second pain point is that the desugared code of for-comprehensions can often be surprisingly complicated.


       a <- doSth(arg)
       b = a
     yield a + b

    Intuition would suggest for the desugared code will be of the form

     doSth(arg).map { a =>
       val b = a
       a + b

    But because of the possibility of an if guard being immediately after the pure alias, the desugared code is of the form

     doSth(arg).map { a =>
       val b = a
       (a, b)
     }.map { case (a, b) =>
       a + b

    These unnecessary assignments and additional function calls not only add unnecessary runtime overhead but can also block other optimizations from being performed.

Proposed solution

This SIP suggests the following changes to for comprehensions:

  1. Allow for comprehensions to start with pure aliases


       a = 1
       b <- Some(2)
       c <- doSth(a)
     yield b + c
  2. Simpler conditional desugaring of pure aliases. i.e. whenever a series of pure aliases is not immediately followed by an if, use a simpler way of desugaring.


       a <- doSth(arg)
       b = a
     yield a + b

    will be desugared to

     doSth(arg).map { a =>
       val b = a
       a + b


       a <- doSth(arg)
       b = a
       if b > 1
     yield a + b

    will be desugared to

     doSth(arg).map { a =>
       val b = a
       (a, b)
     }.withFilter { case (a, b) =>
       b > 1
     }.map { case (a, b) =>
       a + b
  3. Avoiding redundant map calls if the yielded value is the same as the last bound value.


       a <- List(1, 2, 3)
     yield a

    will just be desugared to

     List(1, 2, 3)

Detailed description

Ad 1. Allow for comprehensions to start with pure aliases

Allowing for comprehensions to start with pure aliases is a straightforward change.

The Enumerators syntax will be changed from:

Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator | Guard}


Enumerators ::= {Pattern1 `=' Expr semi} Generator {semi Enumerator | Guard}

Which will allow adding 0 or more aliases before the first generator.

When desugaring is concerned, a for comprehension starting with pure aliases will generate a block with those aliases as val declarations and the rest of the desugared for as an expression. Unless the aliases are followed by a guard, then the desugaring should result in an error.

New desugaring rule will be added:

For any N:
  for (P_1 = E_1; ... P_N = E_N; ...)
    val x_2 @ P_2 = E_2
    val x_N @ P_N = E_N
    for (...)


  a = 1
  b <- Some(2)
  c <- doSth(a)
yield b + c

will desugar to

  val a = 1
    b <- Some(2)
    c <- doSth(a)
  yield b + c

Ad 2. Simpler conditional desugaring of pure aliases. i.e. whenever a series of pure aliases is not immediately followed by an if, use a simpler way of desugaring.

Currently, for consistency, all pure aliases are desugared as if they are followed by an if condition. Which makes the desugaring more complicated than expected.


The following code:

  a <- doSth(arg)
  b = a
yield a + b

will be desugared to:

doSth(arg).map { a =>
  val b = a
  (a, b)
}.map { case (a, b) =>
  a + b

The proposed change is to introduce a simpler desugaring for common cases, when aliases aren’t followed by a guard, and keep the old desugaring method for the other cases.

A new desugaring rules will be introduced for simple desugaring.

For any N:
  for (P <- G; P_1 = E_1; ... P_N = E_N; ...)
  G.flatMap (P => for (P_1 = E_1; ... P_N = E_N; ...))


  for () yield E  ==>  E

(Where empty for-comprehensions are excluded by the parser)

It delegares desugaring aliases to the newly introduced rule from the previous impreovement. i.e.

For any N:
  for (P_1 = E_1; ... P_N = E_N; ...)
    val x_2 @ P_2 = E_2
    val x_N @ P_N = E_N
    for (...)

One other rule also has to be changed, so that the current desugaring method, of passing all the aliases in a tuple with the result, will only be used when desugaring a generator, followed by some aliases, followed by a guard.

For any N:
  for (P <- G; P_1 = E_1; ... P_N = E_N; if E; ...)
  for (TupleN(P, P_1, ... P_N) <-
    for (x @ P <- G) yield {
      val x_1 @ P_1 = E_2
      val x_N @ P_N = E_N
      TupleN(x, x_1, ..., x_N)
    }; if E; ...)

This changes will make the desugaring work in the following way:

  a <- doSth(arg)
  b = a
yield a + b

will be desugared to

doSth(arg).map { a =>
  val b = a
  a + b


  a <- doSth(arg)
  b = a
  if b > 1
yield a + b

will be desugared to

doSth(arg).map { a =>
  val b = a
  (a, b)
}.withFilter { case (a, b) =>
  b > 1
}.map { case (a, b) =>
  a + b

Ad 3. Avoiding redundant map calls if the yielded value is the same as the last bound value.

This change is strictly an optimization. This allows for the compiler to get rid of the final map call, if the yielded value is the same as the last bound pattern. The pattern can be either a single variable binding or a tuple.

One desugaring rule has to be modified for this purpose.

  for (P <- G) yield P  ==>  G
If P is a variable or a tuple of variables and G is not a withFilter.

  for (P <- G) yield E  ==> (P => E)


  a <- List(1, 2, 3)
yield a

will just be desugared to

List(1, 2, 3)


This change may change the semantics of some programs. It may remove some map calls in the desugared code, which may change the program semantics (if the map implementation was side-effecting).

For example the following code will now have only one map call, instead of two:

  a <- doSth(arg)
  b = a
yield a + b

Other concerns

As far as I know, there are no widely used Scala 3 libraries that depend on the desugaring specification of for-comprehensions.

  1. Scala contributors discussion thread (pre-SIP):
  2. Github issue discussion about for desugaring:
  3. Scala 2 implementation of some of the improvements:
  4. Implementation of one of the simplifications:
  5. Draft implementation branch: