Tour of Scala

Nested Methods


In Scala it is possible to nest method definitions. The following object provides a factorial method for computing the factorial of a given number:

def factorial(x: Int): Int = {
  def fact(x: Int, accumulator: Int): Int = {
    if (x <= 1) accumulator
    else fact(x - 1, x * accumulator)
  fact(x, 1)

println("Factorial of 2: " + factorial(2))
println("Factorial of 3: " + factorial(3))
def factorial(x: Int): Int =
  def fact(x: Int, accumulator: Int): Int =
    if x <= 1 then accumulator
    else fact(x - 1, x * accumulator)
  fact(x, 1)

println("Factorial of 2: " + factorial(2))
println("Factorial of 3: " + factorial(3))

The output of this program is:

Factorial of 2: 2
Factorial of 3: 6

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